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Arab Shriners Hospital Transportation Fund
These funds are used to transport children and their parent or guardian, free of charge to a Shriners treatment facility. Volunteers from local shrine organizations use specialized vehicles and give freely of countless hours of their time providing transportation to and from doctor’s visits. One very important mode of transportation this fund pays for are the life-saving medical flights transporting children to a Shriners facility when their life is in the balance. These specialized flights cost tens of thousands of dollars, but when a child’s life hangs in the balance, money is no object. Parents of ill or injured children admitted to a Shriners Hospital for Children do not see a single bill for transportation provided through this fund.
Arab Shriners
Arab Shrine Temple of Topeka (Temple No 157) was chartered on July 28, 1932. We are a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. Our backgrounds and interests are diverse, but we are bound together by our shared values and a desire to have fun, do good and build relationships that can last a lifetime. Your donation helps support the ongoing operations and activities of our local organization.

Shriner’s Hospitals for Children
By June 1922 the cornerstone had been laid for the first Shriners Hospitals for Children® in Shreveport, La. The first patient to be admitted in 1922 was a little girl with a clubfoot, who had learned to walk on the top of her foot rather than the sole.
Never does a Shriner stand so tall as when he stoops to help a child.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Shriners Hospitals for Children relies on the generous donations of Shriners, corporations and the general public to carry out our mission and improve the lives of children every day. Since 1922 there have been 1.4 million children treated. In 2019 alone 145,608 children were treated within our system and 38 million dollars were invested in research. With your help we can continue to provide world class services to those in need.